Monday, November 13, 2006

Rules for Indoor Golf

Rules for Indoor Golf

1.Each player will furnish his own equipment for play, normally one club and two balls.

2.Course to be played must be approved by the owner of the hole.

3.Unlike outdoor golf, the object is to get the club in the hole and keep the balls out of the hole.

4.For the most effective play, the club should have a firm shaft. Course owners are permitted to check the stiffness of the shaft before play begins.

5.Course owners reserve the right to restrict the length of the club to avoid damage to the hole.

6.The object of the game is to take as many strokes as necessary until course owner is satisfied. Failure to do so may result in being denied permission to play the course again.

7.It is usually considered bad form to begin playing the hole immediately upon arriving at the course. The experienced player will normally admire the entire course with special attention paid to well formed bunkers.

8.Players are cautioned not to mention any other courses they have played or are currently playing to the owner of the course being played. Upset owners have been known to damage a player's equipment for this reason.

9.Players should assure themselves that their match has been properly scheduled, especially on a different course being played for the first time. Previous players have been known to get irate if they find someone else playing what they considered to be their own private course.

10.Players should not assume a course is in shape for play at all times. Some owners may be embarrassed if their course is temporarily under repair and the player is advised to use
tact in this determination. However, advanced players will
find alternate means of play when this is the case.

11.It is considered outstanding performance, time permitting, to play the same hole several times in one match.

12.Course owners shall be the sole judge of who is the best player.

13.Players are not permitted to tee off on the back nine without permission of the course owner.

14. If your ball lands in the rough, there may be a multi-stroke penalty.

15. All equipment should be thoroughly cleaned before and after play.

16. At no time may you land any equipment in a water hazard without invitation.

17. A supplemental guide to handicapping may be issued later.

League rules
Adventurous players may establish a private league. Some of the league rules include:

1. Members of the league may elect to play multiple courses in a single round. This is only permitted if all course owners agree.

2. Teams may be established, however tee order is up to the course owner(s).

3. If you are having equipment difficulties, you should allow other league players to continue until your equipment is at playing standard. In league play you may request assistance in equipment maintenance if you choose.

4. If the course owner allows, multiple team member may play any combination of designated holes, simultaneously. However course owner rules must be followed or the offending team member(s) may have their equipment taken out of play and be removed from the league.

5. Protective gear is recommended in single play. It is mandatory in league play.

6. Scoring is optional, however successful player will score every time.

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