Monday, July 17, 2006


Fly joke (good to tell your new Date)

Four flies are trapped in a jar. There are three female flies, and one male fly. They all want to escape, but don't know how.

One of the female flies says to the male fly, "I want to escape. How do I do it?"

To which the male fly responds, "Fuck me and I'll tell you."
The female fly is puzzled, but consents to the male fly's demands.
After he has his way with her, she asks how to get out of the jar.
"Fly up to the top, and smash your head against the lid," the male fly responds.

So the female fly flies up to the top, smashes her head on the top, gets knocked out unconscious, and falls to the bottom of the jar, dead.

A second female fly asks the male, "I want to escape. How do I do it?" The Male fly responds, "Fuck me and I'll Tell you."
Again, the female fly has her doubts, but figures what has she got to lose, so she fucks the male fly, he tells her to fly up to the top of the jar and smash her head against the lid, she does this, falls to the bottom, and dies.

The third female fly asks the male how to escape, the male tells the female, "Fuck me and I'll tell you," she does, he tells her what to do, she does it, and falls to the bottom and dies.

Now, the male fly is the only alive one in the jar. He escapes.

-Now here is where the person you are telling the joke to (a boyfriend or girlfriend or someone that you want asks,

"How did he escape?" or says, "I don't get it??"

to which you respond,







"Fuck me and I'll tell you."

Delicious Tags:

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